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The Hard Part- A Talk w/ David Little- Member of the H.P.C.A.C.

The hardest part about making effective change is having difficult conversations. We can start to understand one another with a simple gesture- providing a listening ear and civil conversation. WLRH Producer Katy Ganaway sits down with David Little, member of the Huntsville Police Citizens Advisory Council. They discuss the council's role in improving police and community relations, influencing police policies and diversity on the force and other topics related to the June 3rd Rally Against Police Brutality in downtown Huntsville. The protests were organized in response to the death of a black man, George Floyd, who died under the knee of a Minnesota police officer. This interview took place June 19, 2020.

The HPCAC has opened a form for public comment on the events that transpired at protests between May 30 and June 5 in downtown Huntsville. Community Input Form submissions will be accepted through August 7, 2020.

You can click the following link to fill it out:



**Little has corrected his statement in this interview saying he is the Vice Chairman of the HPCAC. He says he is currently only a member, not Vice Chair.

**Little has also corrected himself, saying his statement that the Huntsville Chief of Police may appoint 2 members to the HPCAC is no longer correct. In 2010, that was the case, but that was changed in 2012, where the number of appointees by the HPD Chief was raised to 3 members, one of whom must be of Hispanic origin.

2010 document: https://huntsvilleal.granicus.com/boards/board_answers/208653/attachment

2012 document: https://huntsvilleal.granicus.com/boards/board_answers/208654/attachment

And listen to other conversations here...

Citizens Coalition for Criminal Justice Reform Liaison Angela Curry: http://wlrh.org/News/hard-part-talk-w-cccjr-liaison-angela-curry

Hsv./Madison County NAACP Chapter President Jerry Burnet: http://wlrh.org/News/hard-part-talk-w-hsvmadison-county-naacp-pres-jerry-burnet

Hsv. Police Chief Mark McMurray: http://wlrh.org/News/hard-part-talk-w-huntsville-police-chief-mark-mcmurray

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