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Make A Bequest Gift to WLRH

A simple and easy way to include 89.3 WLRH Huntsville Public Radio in your estate planning is to name the Alabama Educational Television Foundation Authority as a beneficiary in your will.

Here are some examples of bequest gifts and language to discuss with your legal or financial advisor:

To make a Residual Bequest Gift after your estate expenses and specific bequests are distributed:

"I give and devise to the Alabama Educational Television Foundation Authority d/b/a WLRH-FM (Tax ID # 63-6050895), all (or state a percentage) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, to be used for its general support (or for the support of a specific purpose or program)."

To make a Specific Bequest Gift amount from your estate:

"I give and devise to the Alabama Educational Television Foundation Authority d/b/a WLRH-FM (Tax ID # 63-6050895), the sum of $___________ (or asset) to be used for its general support (or for the support of a specific purpose or program)."

To make a Contingent Bequest Gift if one or more of your specific bequests cannot be fulfilled:

"If (insert name) is not living at the time of my demise, I give and devise to the Alabama Educational Television Foundation Authority d/b/a WLRH-FM (Tax ID # 63-6050895), the sum of $___________ (or all or a percentage of the residue of my estate) to be used for its general support (or for the support of a specific purpose or program)."

To make a gift of Beneficiary Rights (life insurance, IRA, etc.) from your estate:

"I give and devise to the Alabama Educational Television Foundation Authority d/b/a WLRH-FM (Tax ID # 63-6050895), the beneficiary rights to ______________ in the sum of $ ________ to be used for its general support (or for the support of a specific purpose or program)."

To make a gift of Personal or Real Property from your estate:

"I give and devise to the Alabama Educational Television Foundation Authority d/b/a WLRH-FM (Tax ID # 63-6050895), ______________ property to be used for its general support (or for the support of a specific purpose or program)."

To make a gift of Securities (stock, bonds, mutual funds, etc.) from your estate:

"I give and devise to the Alabama Educational Television Foundation Authority d/b/a WLRH-FM (Tax ID # 63-6050895), __________________ stock/securities to be used for its general support (or for the support of a specific purpose or program)."

For more information, please contact:

Phil Hutcheson
Interim Executive Director
(800) 239-5233 

Thank you!