Space Cruises and Planet Tours, LLC (Archive from 2017)
Are you bored? Let Space Cruises and Planet Tours, LLC take you away from all that!
For the rest of 2017, twelve outer-space episodes by local comedians Tom Hand and Sharon Singletary will carry you on adventures you never thought you would ever have. Join Bob, Junior, Captain Mikaptain and the worst robot ever, Stan-E, the madcap crew of "The Ship" for a Love-Boat-meets-Star-Trek radio theater escapade. Don your spacesuits and let your ears climb aboard!
Sound engineering by Matt Westmeyer and Johnna Doty of the UAH Music Department, and theme song written and produced by Ken Sullivan, Jim Cavender and Terri Cavender.
We meet our main characters and get ready to proceed in some direction somewhere out in the vast black oceans of Outer Space. Murder (?) and mayhem ensue, but there's always time to party afterwards.
Captain Mikaptain gets engaged (again), a band of traveling children take over the cafeteria, Bob mediates a truce, and Stan-E comes apart. Not necessarily in that order.
In Episode Three, Junior considers a touchy subject (so to speak), and does something about it. Bob and Stan-E prove to be helpful in this quest. Captain Mikaptain remains fairly oblivious. It all works out pretty well in the end...
In this episode, the Captain gets a divorce, the Captain gets married, and Bob almost gets shot. Also, hedonists sabotage The Other Ship, and other ridiculous stuff happens.
A stinky planet? Candy bars that make people go crazy? Well maybe...and in the Princess Pom-Pom Museum, diplomacy will get you absolutely nowhere. Because it's nowhere to be found...not even among the rare cultural treasures!
Seems a little odd...that everyone on board The Ship is acting sooooooo weird! A rather tasty episode...in which Stan-E tries to solve The Case of the Very Unusual...Cornflakes? Muffins? Turkey a la King?
Spies. Did you say spies? No, I said pies. PIES.No...just kidding, I really said spies. It was spies the whole time. Spies CAKE.
In Episode Nine, we draw closer, ever closer, to the juicy jaws of Fate. No, wait a minute...that's aquote from The Firesign Theatre......in Episode Nine, Junior keeps hope alive...
And now, we present...The Problem with Plasma, The Engineer (Nobody's Sweetheart), AND The Legendary Cliff Hanger, withHis Amazing Dramatic Technique!!!!!!!
Well Junior and Stan-E make it onto some weird "Other" Ship and guess what happens next!!!??? You got it. A weird cult tries to take over the world...and you-know-who is onto their game...